Dear Rose Shoen,
I'm writing to thank tell you I am sincerely honored to have an advisor in you, there isn't a
avenue Rose hasn't taken win or lesson learned an experience, she so generously as a token
of her character hands, down to the next generation as well as senior peers. Rose’s leadership qualities have been a lifelong journey being the eldest sibling of 7, With the work ethic that's contagious and doesn't differ for who you are, where you’re from, or where your heading. Rose and I have a connection beyond soccer, fortunate enough to talk about all walks of life, she picks me up when I’m down and is that constant reminder and resurgence of self-belief, with mental health in today's generation a big part of our life and well-being, Rose coming from nothing to something is an inspiration always forward thinking, I have never needed to find time in her schedule to have discussions Rose makes it happen, so diverse and interesting someone always looking to learn from everyone, despite the fact we come from two different continents and walks of life we always find a common ground of communication, always finding solutions to my problems no matter how small or large. Someone who is actively beating all odds, breaking records and building a brand for herself continuously breaking barriers in predominantly male dominated industries an active vocal spokesperson advocate for women's rights and equality. For myself personally you’ve been a Mentor, Advisor, Advocate, Coach, to name a few impactful ways you have helped me along my journey. Ensuring and encouraging my academics are always above average which has allowed me to gain a very decent scholarship, very fortunately for myself Rose connected the dots allowing me to find a great school in William Jessup to pursue my Bachelor’s Degree. Champions Mentality Always finding a way. Thank you Rose I look forward to progressing in this journey under your guidance and watchful eye.
Karam Idris